The Power of Journaling


Journaling is defined as a written record of our thoughts & feelings. Although journaling is often portrayed as a tween girl writing about her crush in a diary, journaling is not exclusively for young girls trying to figure out their middle school drama. 


Journaling is a form of self-expression that can lift and empower people to understand their complex feelings. Journaling also helps a person understand their desires, priorities and worries as they jot everything down to clear their mind. Effective journaling can result in several positive outcomes and improvements to your quality of life. 

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There are numerous benefits to journaling to the extent that it is used greatly in therapy for anxiety and depression. 


1.     Journaling has a significant impact on your mental health as it required the application of the analytical, rational left side of the brain. while your left hemisphere is occupied, your right hemisphere, the creative side, is given the freedom to wander and play. 


2.     Expressive writing has been found to effectively boost your mood and turn thoughts into more pleasant, positive due to the rationing effect. 


3.     Journaling also enhances your sense of well-being and allows you to self-reflect.


4.     Writing reduces symptom of depression before important exams such as exams and reduces intrusion and avoidance symptoms post trauma


5.     It improves our working memory as the brain is likely to store information you have written down therefore when you journal, your brain makes stronger connections with the information making it easier to recall them later on in the future. 


 As Ferris Bueller once said,

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”


We’re so used to our fast-moving paced lives and getting caught up with the day-to-day that we forget to stop, take a step back and reflect on ourselves. 



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